Friday, December 4, 2009

Growing up...

Last Saturday the 27th, my little man turned 9 months old :( I can remember when he was born thinking I wouldn't be one of those Moms that always wished their kids hadn't grown up. Guess what...I kinda am! Every month when I sit down and type his birthday post, I almost get tears in my eyes because he's growing up so fast. When will it ever stop?

He is wearing 18 months clothes and it won't be long before we move up to 24 months. He is still in size 4 diapers, but barely. The next case will definitely be size 5!

This month has been one of the most exciting months yet. He has taken off into a full blown crawler. As much as I love seeing him get around and go places, he is wearing us out trying to keep up with him. He is one of those babies that is very mischievous and there is scared of NOTHING! The rougher you play with him, the more he likes it. I guess he's going to be a big, tough guy like his Daddy ;) His favorite thing to do is play ball. We roll it to him, and he throws it back at us, clapping the entire time!
For some reason, Gage still doesn't have a single tooth. It is absolutely driving me crazy to still be giving the poor child baby food, but there isn't much else he can eat without teeth. We have started giving him some solids, but not many. Thanksgiving Day was the first time he ate an entire meal of solid foods. Needless to say, HE LOVED EVERY BITE! Since then we have been trying to feed him more "people food".

He started waving "bye bye" and clapping a lot lately! He waves and says "bye bye bye" to everyone he sees and often waves at his toonies, AKA cartoons. He gets excited about everything and everyone he sees and is constantly clapping about it! It is SO cute! I hope he stays this friendly forever! He must get his friendliness from me. I have never met a stranger! He is still VERY sweet and loves his Momma! That's most important right ;) Actually, I think he is still a Mommas boy, but he LOVES his Daddy just as much. The very second he sees Michael, his eyes light up and his arms go out! I guess he's more fun than me. I wouldn't have it any other way!

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