I'm going to apologize now for the next few posts being so long. I realize I don't have to tell every detail, but I don't want to forget anything. I would love to be able to show you every picture I took, but the problem is...I took over 500 of them during the last 2 days!
Because we have so many places to be for the Holidays, we split everything up into 2 days. I have always loved the Christmas season so much. This year was no different...as a matter of fact, it was better! This was Gage's First Christmas! I have been looking forward to it for months!
Our first place to go on Christmas Eve is to my Mom's house. We always go out there around noon or so. We open gifts, play games, eat, and tell lots of stories. I happen to have a pretty entertaining family ;)
Nana and PaPaw got Gage this horse. I had one of these when I was a kid and my parents said I loved it. I saw this at Babies R Us one day and just knew we had to have it! I was right...Gage had a blast on it-while it lasted :( For some reason the horse wouldn't go together properly, so my brother took it apart to fix it. We soon realized that it had some missing pieces and had to be exchanged for another one. I'm crossing my fingers I can still find one! They also got him some clothes, a Playschool walk n' ride car, and A CASE OF DIAPERS!!!
Nana & Papaw never look at the camera, but this is a good one of them and Gage!

MeMe and Paw got him lots of new toys too! My favorite thing they bought him is this...a Little Red Wagon! I had one of these as well...just not quite as fancy! Gage rode around in it for a while and had a lot of fun sitting and playing in there! I know this will come in very handy at the ballpark this Summer!

They also got him a Leap Frog musical table, some clothes, a couple tree ornaments, and one more thing...this book! It is the story of "The Night Before Christmas". When you open the book up, you hear my Mom's voice reading the story. It is recorded and we can read it every year on Christmas Eve! I'm so excited to be adding a new tradition to our Christmas!

All the gift opening wore Gage out!

He took a little cat nap and woke up just in time to play in the paper before we trashed it! I think that may have been his favorite part of the day!
When we left my Mom's we stopped by Big Daddy's for a few minutes. There, we exchanged gifts with our nieces and nephews and let them play for a while. They had a lot of fun, but I know they will have so much more when they are old enough to play together! They are still at the age where they are a little rough and not too sure about each other!

Big Daddy and Granny Karen got him the V-tech Alphabet Train! He loves all the blocks that go with it! It seems like there are about a million of them all over the house ;)
CHRISTMAS EVE...Aunt Vicki & Uncle Rusty's
Our 3rd, and last stop for the night was at my cousins house. The entire family gathers there on Christmas Eve for a huge dinner and usually a poker tournament. I'm not a fan of playing cards, but they always have a good time with it! We had to leave early this year because Santa was coming! This is us with the cousins...Gage, Rance, Me, Michael, Kyle, Raine, Jodie, and Sunny. Jodie is one of my friends from HS. She was a bridesmaid in my wedding and met Raine there. They have been dating ever since! They are all some of my very best friends, and they all think Little Man hung the moon! Truth is...he is pretty fond of them too! Raine and Jodie (guy in the Arkansas hat and the girl in the red shirt) got Gage a Disney Bedtime Storybook! I am going to collect all the books in the collection for him!

When we got home and got Gage in bed, Michael and I opened our gifts from eachother. We set the timer on the camera and took this one of ourselves. I love it!

I hope you have enjoyed the first day of our Christmas! We had a lot of fun and can't wait to share the rest with you!
1 comment:
I love the pictures, and the story that goes with it. You are so good at telling stories.
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