Saturday, January 7, 2012

Santa Claus coming to town...

After all the Christmas Eve festivities, we came home to do the norm...put out Santa's milk and cookies! Gage was really into it this year and wanted to make sure everything was perfect! We left chocolate chip cookies and milk for Santa. Gage and Daddy made chocolate milk and left a little something extra for the reindeer...
We have had the hardest time with Gage's paci's, as he thinks they are the best thing since sliced bread. He has been in love with them since day 1 and we haven't been able to get away from them. And one more thing, before you judge us for allowing an almost 3 year old to have his paci, remember that you, believe it or not, aren't the perfect parent either and I'm sure there are things that you do that I wouldn't agree with. Just had to get that one out before I start getting rude comments about my son and his paci. I mean all of this in the nicest way possible, but if you can't tell, I'm a little fed up with opinions ;) Anyway, we decided that maybe, just maybe, we could give the paci's to Santas reindeer because "they will be sad when Christmas is over". So, we got them all together, explained to Gage that they wouldn't be back and put them on the plate with the rest of the loot.
Gage did well. He went to bed without them and woke up the next morning without asking for them. I thought we were good to go. Little did we know, the dreaded stomach virus would hit our house on Christmas night and he would ask for them again. How in the world do you tell a sick kid no? If you can, your tougher than me! Needless to say, we got the paci's back from the reindeer and we are hoping to pass them down to Baby Sister in a few days. We shall see!

Stay tuned for Christmas Part 5...

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