Speaking of eating...Gage has been doing so good with his solids! He LOVES fruit, and he is starting to get better with veggies. I think he gets this from me...I hate most vegetables! I really don't want him to be a picky eater, and it looks like he won't be. He doesn't turn down too much, but he WILL NOT eat green beans. Can you blame him? We still have a little problem with messes, but it'll get better ;)
Gage has started playing his exersaucer a lot this week. He will sit in it for 20-30 minutes before he gets tired of it! It is so cute to watch him play with all the toys! He never stops "talking" the entire time he's in there!
He finally rolled over this week! I was beginning to think we were going to have to start therapy ;) Michael was with him when he did it the first time, so I didn't get to see. We tried to get him to do it again, but he just looked at me like, "Mom, I can't roll over under pressure"! I'm still so proud of him!
Isn't this the cutest thing? I love to watch babies play with their feet!
We have absolutely nothing to do for the rest of the weekend, so maybe I'll be back with more pictures! Until then, see you later Alligator!
Big boy, go Gage! So glad he is getting use and liking our excersaucer. That thing has made lots of babies happy now!
He is so cute! I know he is loving trying some new foods. I'm glad you were able to rest and relax this weekend!
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