Monday, July 19, 2010

Visiting Papaw...

Michael, Gage and I went to see my Dad yesterday. It was so incredibly hot, and we weren't sure what we would do when we got there, but we went anyway. It is still so hard not having my Dad living 15 minutes away anymore. We spent the majority of the day inside visiting and playing with Gage, but when the weather cooled off, you had better believe we were outside.
I have been wanting to take Gage to play in this creek since the first time I saw it. Every other time we have been there it has been too cold, but yesterday it was perfect!
He LOVED the water!!
I never dreamed I would be one of those Mother's that would allow my son to be absolutely filthy the majority of his life. The truth is, there's nothing cuter than that little dirty face when he's having fun! As long as he loves it, so do I!!
He would bend down, pick up a rock, throw it back, and do it all over again! SO CUTE!!
This little boy melts my heart!
Thanks for having us, Papaw!

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