Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Gage!!

It is hard to believe it has been a year, but it's true! Last Saturday (yes, I know, I've procrastinated a bit), Gage turned ONE YEAR OLD! I spent the entire week planning so that everything would be just perfect, and I think it all turned out great! We had about 50 people there and Gage had a blast! I thought I'd share just a few pictures from the day!

I thought the cake was amazing and Gage agreed! He got more gifts than we will ever know what to do with. We appreciate each one of them so much!!
For his "Big" gift, Michael and I decided a few months ago that he needed a swing set. I always had one growing up and it was so much fun to play on. Both of my parents, my grandparents, and Michael's Mom all helped out with buying it for him and we had it set up just in time for his party. The weather was beautiful and perfect for the kids to play outside. Gage LOVES his swingset!
I figured the day would be pretty hard on me. I'm not normally one of those mothers that can't seem to grasp the idea of my baby growing up, but him turning one was really a little bittersweet. As much as I love watching him grow, it's hard knowing that he isn't a baby anymore. Much to my surprise, I never shed one tear and his party was so much fun!

Thank You so much to those of you that came! We had a blast and can't wait to do it again next year!



Kristi said...

Wow, love all the pics. The cake looked GREAT! And the swingset, very nice. I can't believe your baby is 1 either. Man, where has time gone? I hate we missed it.

Laura Ann said...

Thanks for sharing. What a wonderful party you guys had for Gage. I can hardly believe that all these kiddos are already a year old. Seems like yesterday we were all pregnant at the same time. I am not sure I have ever commented but have been following for a long time.