The Bachelor...week 3!
So, what did you think of the Bachelor? I'm sure you already know that I was happy about Erica going home. I think she was a bit of a trouble say the least! She really showed him her true colors at the rose ceremony without even trying I think. I was really glad he sent Natalie home too. I just don't think she was there for the right reasons at all...definitely not ready for a child! I still really like Melissa from Dallas. I think she is such a doll, and seems like a really sweet girl! I can't wait until next week so that we can see what happens and who goes home next! Who do you think it will be?
We had our last Baby Shower last Saturday, and it was great! Some of our softball friends had it for us and the guys came and played poker while the girls did the shower thing. It was a lot of always! Before the shower we only had a little bit of bath stuff (baby lotion, baby wash, etc.) and I think somehow they all knew it. Almost everyone there brought us that sort of thing which was perfect! Gage will be a clean baby for sure!!
Mom and I went to Little Rock and Conway to finish getting the things off the registry that were left, but there wasn't a whole lot left! We did finally get the Pack N Play to put in our room for the first few weeks and take to the softball games after that! My Nana bought it for us and we are so happy we finally have it here and all ready for the little man! I think we are as ready as we are going to be, so all we need is for him to get here! Gosh...he's so spoiled rotten already! Thank You so much to everyone that has thought about him and done your part in spoiling him! He will be here soon and I can't wait for everyone to meet him!
Last but not least...Michael and I have a new nephew as of last week, and I am so in love with him already! His name is Colson, and he is such a good baby already! I just know that him and Gage are going to be into lots of trouble together, and I'm looking so forward to it! This is Colson and Uncle Michael the day he was born! Aren't they sweet! Michael is going to be such a good Daddy!!! By the way...he was born with a little black eye, but it is already healed up! I promise we didn't beat him...I think he is trying to get a headstart on being tougher that Gage ;)

It sounds like you are right where we are! Are you as ready to have the baby out of you as I am?
I was actually about to call you today and make sure everything was ok. It has been a while since you have blogged. You are going to make everyone think you went into labor!
Oh my goodness! He is such a cute baby. I have never seen a baby born with a black eye. he must have been doing some serious punching and kicking in there! I bet he and Gage have a lot of fun together. You are getting so close!!!
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