Gage wasn't in the mood for pictures, apparently, but I got a few good ones. I love this one of him and his Daddy! Michael is such a good Daddy, and to me, this picture shows it!
The monkeys and gorillas were in full force that day. I don't know that I've ever seen them show out so much!

This little lady brought her baby over to show us. She sat right under us for probably 10 minutes showing off her new bundle of joy!
Gage, Allie and Laine fed the Donkeys! I honestly think Gage could stand there and feed the Donkeys and Ponies all day long. It is by far, his favorite part of the Zoo!!

If you're wondering how I got these pictures of the bear to look so "up close and personal", that's because I was very "up close and personal"! There was nothing between me and Betsy Bear except a clear piece of glass. I was standing no more than 2 feet from her when she walked up and put her nose on the glass. Kind of an eery feeling, but at least I got some good shots!

Before I go, I have one more thing to say about our dear Little Rock Zoo. Michael and JD went to the snack bar to get drinks. They brought back 4 drinks and a reciept and probably, a sick feeling in their stomach. Hold on when I tell you this because I almost passed out when they told me...the 4 drinks cost them $63! And no, I'm not joking! So, moral of the story...when you go to the Zoo, do your best not to get too thirsty, or take a loan out to buy drinks!
This ones for you, MEME!! We love you and thanks for the day at the Zoo!!

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